Tag Archives: marathon

Back on the wagon…temporarily.

I got this email today. It’s been two years since I started practicing Bikram Yoga. I have come a LONG way in two years. 🙂

Dear Julie,
It’s your anniversary with Bikram Yoga Seattle! As our client you are very important to us and we greatly value your business. We truly hope that you have enjoyed your experiences at Bikram Yoga Seattle and will continue to in the future.

As always, if you have any suggestions, comments, or requests about future services, then please let us know.

Hope to see you soon!

The Bikram Yoga Seattle Team

They will see me soon. Tonight! It’s been over a week since I have been, and my body is (literally) aching to go. I got back late yesterday from a long weekend in Whistler skiing some of the best snow I have skied in a LONG time. It was amazing, but my body is tired and sore.

I start week 9 of Boston training this week, and I truly consider myself in the heart of training. Starting today, I am back on the wagon until after the race, April 16. 14 mile run this Sunday. Yup. Hard core training has begun. 🙂

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Posted by on January 23, 2012 in Training, Yoga


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Pura Vida!

Today started week one of my marathon training…20 week countdown until BOSTON!!!! BUT, I am feeling the aftermath of my balls to the wall running Sunday, so I am going to jump in at week 2, and rest this week. This works out just fine since week 2 of training is not even close to the mileage I have been running, so it actually will still be like a rest. This week my focus is on yoga.

I did something tonight I haven’t done in a LONG time: I went to yoga two nights in a row! Yup. I went last night, and I went again tonight. It felt amazing. My body is really, really, really sore. I am far more sore than I was after running 26.2 miles in June. It’s crazy. My quads. My hip flexors. My lower back (this REALLY hurts). And, I have a blister on the very tip of my second toe on my right foot. And, my right ankle/achilles area is a scratched up mess from the timing bracelet I wore. Geez, I am a mess! I guess that’s what happens when you run your heart out for 13.1 miles. This week I am repairing. Tomorrow I am going to attempt an EASY 3 mile run just to loosen up these damn quads. Probably another easy run Thursday, and then yoga Friday and Saturday. 🙂

Okay…so now, what you’ve all been waiting for……………I will start my documentation of my amazing trip to Costa Rica. I will do a separate entry for each day, so here goes:

DAY 1 (Travel Day)Wednesday, November 16

S and I woke up at 5AM so we could get a run in before catching our 8:30AM flight. It was DAMN cold, but it felt really, really good! I donned a hat and gloves and set out for a 5 mile run in the dark, cold morning. A quick shower, dressed and we were off! Vacation has begun! I guess we lost track of time because we got to the airport with literally seconds to spare! But, we made it. We had a nearly 4 hour flight to Houston, which I slept a portion of. We had over a four hour layover in Houston. We found a restaurant, and ate slowly until it was time to go to our gate to board our flight to Costa Rica! On our way to the gate, we found a currency exchange and exchanged some money into Colones. Hundreds of thousands of colones. 🙂

Our flight to Costa Rica went smoothly until…we tried to land. We thought we were about to land, and then the plane suddenly accelerated and started to climb back up. WTF??? I was getting a little anxious. We continued to climb, and no one knew what was going on! Finally, the captain came on to tell us he was having a difficult time landing due to the clouds/fog. He was going to have to circle around for a while in hopes of it clearing. Grrrrr….We stayed in the sky for quite a while longer.

Second attempt: SUCCESS!!! YES! We are in Costa Rica! We got in a little before 10PM. It was warm, and humid. We got in a cab and went to our hotel: Margarita’s Bed and Breakfast: (AWESOME hotel…I give it two thumbs up!) We were greeted by Margarita, and a few people who were there for the wedding, including the groom himself (everyone else was already asleep). We all sat around and drank Imperial (Costa Rican beer…tastes like Bud Light, only better because it’s Costa Rican), champagne, talked, and played with the many dogs, who were all wet and stinky from the earlier rain. At 1AM, we decided to finally turn in, as our 5AM wake up call to catch a puddle jumper to our next spot was right around the corner. We made our way to our AMAZING room and slept HARD for 4 solid hours in our giant king sized bed. Day 1 DONE! Pura Vida! 🙂

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Posted by on November 29, 2011 in Happiness, Running, Travel


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