Monthly Archives: March 2012

Conception, Development, and Delivery of Run Revolution

After nearly three months of working on the private Run Revolution, it is finally up and “running” and ready for the world to see. I feel like I just delivered a baby.

In December, the idea for Run Revolution came to be. It started as, “You should start a running specific blog.” I said, “That’s a really good idea.” I then searched online to see what kinds of running blogs/sites were already started, and I quickly became overwhelmed, and discouraged. I could not compete with the big-timers. I am not an expert runner. I am not an expert writer. I am mediocre at both. The idea for a running blog did not vanish, however (obviously). I am passionate about both.

I’ve written about this before, and it still works for me: running is when I think, and think, and think, and think. So many new ideas are formed when I run. So, one day, in late December, “it” came to me. After deciding to name the site, “Run Revolution,” the story…the message…how Run Revolution was going to be different, came to fruition.

(A little back story).

Leading up to the idea of Run Revolution, I had been working on a book. For over a year, I had been writing a memoir…of one particular year of my life. A life-changing year. A year where good things finally started happening. This book had become a sort of therapy, and a way for me to really weed through this epic year. It was the “last chapter” of getting through an extremely difficult time in my life. But then, the writing all but stopped. I had documented the entire year, but that’s really all it was: documentation. I was struggling to find something to make this book come alive, and I could not find it!

(Back to before the back story)

So, on this run, I decided I would incorporate my book idea into Run Revolution. I would tell “My Story” of how I dug myself out of a bad place in life, by turning to yoga and running, and how I have been on an amazing journey to find what I’ve always wanted to find: happiness. I would use the concept of this (boring) book I was writing to help Run Revolution come to life! I would talk about the inspiration I found in hopes of inspiring others…and that is what the goal of my book was, too.

It all felt right. The name, my story, I was excited. I started creating content. I had so many ideas, and just couldn’t stop writing! I didn’t have enough time to write. I wrote pages, posts, and training schedules. I came up with what I was going to write, when I ran. It was a perfect combination.

Next came the minute details.

1. Logo design. Sounds simple enough. It was not. We employed a fantastic graphic designer, Joy Sarnowski, who gave so many good choices it was hard to choose! But, after over a month, and help from family and friends, I finally decided on:

Run Revolution logo

What do you think of when you see the logo?

2. Pictures. I needed pictures. Although I was a runner, and had run a few races, I really didn’t have any good running pictures of myself, so I hired Rick Parchen, an amazing photographer, to help take some great running shots. We couldn’t have asked for a better day! It was a beautiful sunny day in Seattle with some incredible clouds. 🙂

3. Network. After I chose the logo, I decided it was time to share a bit with the world. I created a Facebook page and twitter account. I had never “tweeted” and was about to learn fast about the world of twitter. I starting setting Facebook page “like” goals, and surpassed each and every one of them: 100 likes, 150, 200 before launching. (I launched at 225 likes, and am currently at 228). It is exciting to see people I have no connection to, liking the page and interacting! Go like Run Revolution! 🙂

3. Not easy. There were hiccups…many hiccups. I created Run Revolution, and all its content (over 30 posts, nearly 40 pages, and lots and lots of pictures) on, which is free, easy to use, and great, but didn’t give a lot of options for widgets, and extras. I would need to host the site elsewhere. The transfer wasn’t as easy as anticipated. The majority of the content transferred over, but we had to start fresh with the theme and pictures, etc. It was time consuming.

4. Edit. Time to edit, edit, edit. I am a perfectionist, BUT I realized, with the help of some very smart people in my life: it would never be perfect, AND the launching was not a final project. I wanted to launch it before I left for Boston, and with enough time to spare so people could follow the last part of my training. It’s not like I was publishing a book. I would still have access to fix whatever needed to be fixed, and the launch was really only the beginning. So…

5. Launch! We picked a day to launch, Wednesday, March 14, a month and two days before Boston, after work and a 7 mile run. I was nervous, excited, anxious…so many emotions. As soon as I announced the birth of Run Revolution, I felt a strange feeling in my stomach. I watched the analytics of the site, actually stared…mouth wide open, I am sure. I watched people read, “My Story.” I felt naked. Vulnerable. A little scared. I had totally put myself out there for the world to judge. Was I prepared for the feedback? Not only had I put “My Story” out there, but I had spent every single spare moment of my life for the past three months working on Run Revolution (if you remember, I am also training for the Boston Marathon, AND I work close to 50 hours/week…my spare time is negligible. Sleep has definitely suffered) and I was scared my hard work wouldn’t be received as well as I hoped.

Here I am, less than 24 hours after the launch, and I have only heard positive feedback. The uneasy feeling is gone. I am excited to watch Run Revolution grow. Since day one of this decision, I have had fun. I am doing what I love: writing, running, yoga, and everything in between.

It’s launched. It’s live. It’s running. It’s alive! Now, I can get back to doing what I love…writing new content for Run Revolution. Ahhhh….It’s only the beginning. Now it’s time to raise Run Revolution and watch it grow into something amazing. 🙂

**When I say, “we,” I am talking about me and my amazing partner-in-everything, Shawn. I couldn’t have done any of this without him, and I am forever grateful to him.**

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Posted by on March 15, 2012 in Happiness, Running, Yoga


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